Support Us
Currently, only the project Human Effects on Female Wolverines is set up to accept direct contributions here.
The short story: use this link for your donation:
The longer story: see below!
Human Effects on Female Wolverines. This is your project.
Why make donations to a PhD research project? Aren’t there grants? Conducting field sampling on a wolverine-scale is outside the scope of many grant providers. Finding a single source covering all expenses didn’t happen for us, yet we still went ahead because we knew that we need more hard data on female wolverines to effectively inform wolverine conservation. Mirjam Barrueto’s PhD research is backed by formal grants, generous donations from partner organizations & companies, and private supporters like you. Your contributions are 100% invested back into the project: to assemble spatial data layers, to analyze DNA samples to get the most out of the data already collected, to help cover Mirjam’s student stipend during the last few months of her PhD, and to help pay for the thousands of dollars in open-access publishing fees once the manuscripts are ready - this will ensure our findings will be available to anyone.
Public support has been incredible: To date, contributions from >250 generous people like you (“Public Donations”) provided >22% of our research budget!
This is your project. You play a big role.
Contribute directly to our project at the University of Calgary – no overhead, but full accountability. Donations are charitable, you’ll receive a tax receipt (Canada). For US-tax deductible donations, please contact us before making your contribution.
By Credit Card:
By Cheque:
Make a cheque payable to “Governors of the University of Calgary”
Mail to: Silvia Kallen, Faculty of Science, BI 540, 2500 University Drive NW, Calgary, AB T2N 1N4
Include a note to say that the donation is for the project “Natural and human factors influencing wolverine populations”
Questions? Comments?
mirjam.barrueto (at) (Mirjam Barrueto, PhD Candidate)
mmusiani (at) (Prof. Marco Musiani, Principal Investigator)
Thank you so much for your support!
From the university’s website (
Will I receive a tax receipt for my donation?
Yes. All donations of $25 or more will receive a tax receipt.
What portion of my gift will go toward administrative or processing fees?
None! Your entire gift goes to the area that you designated.
What follow-up will I receive from the University of Calgary regarding my gift?
Once you’ve made an online gift, you will receive a confirmation email that the donation transaction has been successfully completed. Tax receipts will be emailed or mailed before June 30, 2019. After Giving Day is over, we will share updates to let you know how your gift is making a difference.
Is my payment secure?
Absolutely. Our systems are fully PCI-compliant. Information collected is only used by UCalgary and will not be sold or shared with any third-party organization. Your credit card information will not be stored.
What kind of tax credits exist for donors when giving to UCalgary?
Donors are advised to consult with an accountant; however, more information about tax credits is available on the CRA website.
What is UCalgary’s charitable status?
UCalgary is a registered charitable organization. Charitable registration number: 108102864 RR0001